Working on audio in a home studio spans a wide range of environments. You can go super low tech and put up room dividers and blankets or record in a closet full of clothes. You can go halfway and get your walk in closet built out for isolation. Or you can go all in and build your own audio kingdom complete with Whisper Room and top notch sound proofing. In any case, you will likely need some advice on how to best handle the building of such isolation, how to eliminate bass and reflection, and more.

Enter two of the great audio minds in the voiceover business, George Whittam of El Dorado Recording Services in Los Angeles, and Dan Q. Lenard in Buffalo, NY. Each of them are acknowledged gurus in the world of audio treatment for voiceover (I had the pleasure of meeting Dan at Faffcon 2 this year, and worked with him briefly on my own microphone/preamp issue). Together, they have come up with an outstanding service: the EastWest Audiobodyshop.
Scheduled on Sundays, George and Dan answer questions and calls through a Ustream

session, listen to samples of audio from voice artists, and make suggestions about what can be done to make your audio as pristine as possible. You simply will not find a free resource better than this for finding out about fixing or improving the audio in your studio. You can see an hour long example here.
George and Dan schedule these shows on Sundays at 8 PM Eastern/ 5 PM Pacific. Do yourself a favor, sign up for a Ustream account and check them out. You will not be disappointed and you may learn some valuable information for your hour of investment. They also have a Facebook Page to link to so you will know the schedule and what they are going to talk about. and just this week, George announced that past episodes are now available in podcast form. Really, no excuse not to check them out.