Backing up is a must. There will come a day that you will regret not backing up your studio computer or the traveling laptop. If you are not backing things up right now and you are on Facebook, take a look at this opportunity to get Paragon Systems Backup 10 for windows for free. Free, I tell you.
The Cheapskate on CNET, Rich Broida, has found this opportunity to get a good backup tool, normally $29.99, for nothing. Not only that, you’ll get three licenses, so it will be able to back up more than one machine. The backups can be done to disk, to another hard drive, even to an FTP site. All you’ll have to do is “Like” Paragon on Facebook, and the software can be yours. All the details are on the CNET Cheapskate website. Yes, it’s for Windows, but it does work on all versions of the Microsoft OS. Definitely worth a click out.
Hey, I got a software blog post out before Dave Courviosier! Guess I just got lucky.